Saturday, July 2, 2011

American Men prefer Boys

A recent Gallup poll indicates that red-blooded Americans would rather have sons than daughters. And of those who prefer boys, the margin among men is greater than among women. Republicans prefer sons by a wider margin than Democrats. Younger couples are particularly partial to male offspring. This is not a recent trend. In fact, in 10 similar Gallup polls dating back to 1941, sons have beat daughters every time. So, what could be the consequences? More testosterone = more war in the future? Less support for gun control? NASCAR must be giddy. Gender screening to weed out daughters prior to birth? Sound familiar? Reports from third-world nations where girls are killed at birth are not new. And what has the impact of China’s one-child policy had on that country’s gender mix? Frankly, I’d rather have daughters. They’re nicer. Cleaner. They stay in touch better than sons. And they’re more inclined to take care of you when you’re ready for the retirement home.

1 comment:

  1. If you want smarter work teams, add more women--women tend to be more socially sensitive, therefore more effective in teams:
